Faculty of Law gets the new Dean- University of
The University of Iringa
has appointed Professor Mathias Sahinkuye as the new Dean of the Faculty of Law. Professor Mathias has already assumed the
deanship position effectively from June 2015. His appointment follows the end of tenure of
his predecessor Advocate. Renatus Mgongo who has been a long time serving Dean
Faculty of Law as he has served for more than five years as Dean faculty and
one year as the Associate Dean.
The new Dean teaches in the areas of
public international law, human rights law, international humanitarian law,
international criminal law, international refugee law, theory and philosophy of
law, and legal scholarship;
Accordingly, Professor Mathias has authored
Human Rights and the Rule of Law (Stellenbosch 2000), From Utopia to Universal
Protection of Human Rights (Arusha, 2012), The Contours and Content of
Contemporary Theory and Philosophy of Law (Arusha, 2014), International Law and
Politics in Contemporary Inter-State Relations (Available December 2014), as
well as numerous law review articles; Served as Assistant Defense Attorney
before the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda;.