Wednesday, August 31, 2011


All Law students and interested parties are hereby reminded that appeals against unfair marking, wrongful computation of marks or grades or other justifiable grounds shall be initiated WITHIN 30 DAYS from the date of the release of Examination Results. This entails that the time starts running from 29th August 2011 to 29th September 2011. TAKE NOTICE that any application that will be submitted out of time will not be determined.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that hereunder are the procedures for appeals;

1.A student who feels that he or she has been assigned an incorrect or unfair grade in a course may appeal in writing through the Office Dean Faculty to the Deputy Provost for Academic Affairs within 30 days of publication of the examination results.
2.The Deputy Provost for Academic Affairs shall submit the appeal to the College Academic Board, who shall appoint a competent sub-committee to handle any appeals received during the semester. The findings and recommendations of the sub-committee shall be forwarded to the Academic Board.
3.In the course of the appeal, the student shall be liable for the initial burden of proof.
4.The University administration shall have the power to require any appellant to bear the cost of any special investigation. Such detailed investigation and associated costs will be disclosed in advance and agreed upon by the appellant and the University administration.
5.The confidentiality of information relating to grade appeals shall be respected by all parties involved in the case.
6.All appeals shall be concluded before the completion of the following academic semester.
7.After the final disposition of a grade appeal, all documents related to the grade appeal shall be secured in the office of the Deputy Provost for Academic Affairs.

FINALLY, the Faculty of Law wishes to congratulate all students who have passed their examinations and encourage those who failed to work hard and improve areas of their weakness.

( Law students in Rwanda Study Tour)

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